Nanay Tales is a series for children ages 3 to 6, these animations were adapted from the tales of the “Story Doctor”, Australian writer and therapist Susan Perrow. The stories are specially structured to have healing effects and are widely used to solve different upbringing problems based on the Emergency Education principles. The structure is divided into three parts: Metaphor, where figures are proposed for identification. The Journey, in which the character faces the conflict and the resolution constructively and reflexively. In this season, some of the conditions included are anxiety, aggression, illness and death, dishonesty, separation and mixed families, bullying, and lack of social sense.
Selected at the Ibermedia Series Development Fund 2020
Based on the healing stories by Susan Perrow
Written and Directed by Elisa Eliash
Produced by Clara Taricco
Art Direction and Animation: Diego Tenorio y Muriel Holguín
Sound: Cristián Arias
Narrator: Aline Küppenheim
Music: Ángela Acuña
Voices: Elisa Vallejos, Raúl Riquelme, Paula Bravo
Languages: Spanish/ English
Genre: Animation 2D Stop Motion
Current Stage: Development
Selected at the Ibermedia Series Development Fund 2020